First of all...if you go back and reread Giving Voice Day 3...you will notice that I edited that post with photos and further reflections...I thought that would be easier than writing a new entry.
Well...this week back from Boston was BUSY.
I began officially at Holy Trinity as PRINCIPAL! WOO HOO! It was a full week; meeting people, getting my bearings, paperwork, etc. Sr. Toni came on Thursday to help me set up my office. I can't tell you what a gift that was! I got a big kick out of this...when I was a kid, I'd come to help Sr. Toni in her office and now she was helping me! Neato. Overall...it was a good week. I am just so happy and excited to be ministering with this community as their principal. It is indeed my next ministerial adventure...I'm up for the challenge...and uber excited for this upcoming year.
Check out the Boston Globe link: http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2007/07/07/sisters_savor_a_shared_religious_life?p1=email_to_a_friend
They did a great story on our conference in Boston. You may even recognize one of the interviewees!
I also have another rockin' site for ya'll to visit:
It's called "Pray As You Go". You can download, onto your Mp3 or computer the daily readings and a reflection. It IS SO COOL. Here's what the website says about the format:
A new prayer session is produced every day. It is not a 'Thought for the Day', a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.
The aim is to help you to:
- become more aware of God's presence in your life
- listen to and reflect on God's word
- grow in your relationship with God.
It is produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives, with material written by a number of British Jesuits and other experts in the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola.Although the content is different every day, it keeps to the same basic format.
I leave for retreat tomorrow (AHHHHHHH--interpret that how you may) and I downloaded next weeks. I also downloaded the breathing (because some people indicate that sometimes I need to breathe more? I dunno) and the end of the day reflection. They are ok...not as good as the daily readings.
I admit, while listening to the end of the day reflection...I burst out laughing in the first minute. If you download it, listen to it, and know me a little..you should be able to guess what made me spit my water out of my mouth!
In all sincerity...I think this is the coolest thing I've found online in a long time. I like the STRUCTURE, the music, and the questions to ponder. I'll let ya'll know how they are on retreat. If any of you try it...I'd love to know your thoughts too! Leave me a comment!
YES...I leave for retreat...FOR A WHOLE WEEK. I'm going to the same place with the same Sister I did that mini-retreat with in March. So...it's 7 days with me, Dawn, God and the Spirit. Wowie...I hope it's a good retreat. I have had a bit going on...I'm "Transition Katy" right now...which isn't my best space to be in, but I'm hoping that the spirit works and I can LET GO and LET that spirit do her movin'. I won't be updating until I return...so leave me lots of comments! :-)
Peace until next week.........
I just found your blog yesterday, and I wanted to tell you I am really looking forward to read more of it!
I think One Fun Nun is M I A . . .
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