CHRISTMASY #2--1502 Decorates!

Now this is one of my most favoritest things to do...decorate the casa. We got a tree from St. Greg's to support the boy scouts; unfortunately the needles were dropping at warp speed. So we went back to Greg's and got Tree #2--perfect. We put on the Christmas tunes and decorated...it was a wonderful time with the Sisters. Here's some 1502 Sister shots...we had grasshoppers for dessert that night!
CHRISTMASY #3, 4, and 5 (Sorry no photos...forgot my camera for 3 and 4 and 5 ran out of batteries...dohp!)
#3. I always make my Christmas gifts...always. Well...this year I just haven't had much time (hmmmm I wonder why....) So on the 23rd I decided to BAKE my gifts. I went to the White House to use the kitchen because all of my White House girls were out of town visiting their families for Christmas. I baked and I baked and I baked. I made 400 Holiday Biscotti and then packaged them up nice and purty for people. I felt better that I was able to make my gifts for people. It was only 1:30a.m. when I finally finished! I had a great time though...cranked the music and enjoyed having a house and kitchen to myself! :-)
#4. Christmas Eve/Day in 100 words or less:
Started at Srs. Toni/Charlita's for an SSSF Christmas Eve meal and celebrating. It was really nice. Then went to Grama and Grampa's house for supper and Christmasing. It was one of the most delightful, fun times we've ever had on a Christmas Eve. I don't know what made it so great, but we really had a nice time with one another. We laughed and laughed...my stomach muscles still hurt from laughing! We didn't leave there until 2:15a.m. Christmas day early morning with Mom opening gifts. Christmas morning/afternoon with Dad...he made a wonderful brunch. We watched Elf and hung out. Finally Christmas Day evening at my Aunt's house for another wonderful supper and merriment. I played my cousins' wii and new drum game for Xbox...it was fun.
My Grama made the most phenomenal gifts for all of the grandkids...she made scrapbooks of our lives from the time we were born until the present day. They were beautiful! She has saved EVERYTHING...concert programs, cards we gave, drawings we made for her...it was incredible. We spent hours looking at them and reminiscing. It is a treasure and a great memory.
#5. 1502 Christmas--tonight (Or yesterday...as it is past midnight...yikes!)
We had a wonderful dinner; everyone cooked something. Then we shared a nice Christmas prayer. I made Grasshoppers for dessert (yes, again...but they are soooo good.). Then we had the Kris Kringle revealing. It was fun! Jan received a card shuffler from her Kris so we had to try it out! It was a lovely evening with my Sisters!
Okie dokie....that brings me up to retreat day and snow fun...which I may have to wait until next time...because I'm pooped!