Join Katy as she shares her story, experiences, musings, discernment, and life as a religious sister.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Best Cartoon Ever!
Two of my favorite noun turned adjective and/or verbs all wrapped into one cartoon that I just find very funny. I know this doesn't really count as a post...but I thought I'd share!
Just had to leave a comment. I'm a Catholic youth minister living in the great stae og South Carolina. I happened across your blog because I've got this wonderful idea to start a blog for the youth, parents and pretty much anyone who'd like to read about our events and happenings. So I'm up at 11:30--scratch that--midnight, trying to add some blog links to the blog so the kids can have some good resources to read through whenh they have a spare moment. So, I wanted to THANK YOU for creating your blog and sharing your story and life. I think it's an amazing blessing to all those who encounter it. I'm excited to tell my youth about it and have them read about a young woman of God who has given her life for Him. You're a beautiful example of how devoting your life to a voacation in the world today, is a holy, fun, and wonderful way to live your life. So, thank you for being "real"! :) Many Blessings.
Just had to leave a comment. I'm a Catholic youth minister living in the great stae og South Carolina. I happened across your blog because I've got this wonderful idea to start a blog for the youth, parents and pretty much anyone who'd like to read about our events and happenings. So I'm up at 11:30--scratch that--midnight, trying to add some blog links to the blog so the kids can have some good resources to read through whenh they have a spare moment.
So, I wanted to THANK YOU for creating your blog and sharing your story and life. I think it's an amazing blessing to all those who encounter it. I'm excited to tell my youth about it and have them read about a young woman of God who has given her life for Him. You're a beautiful example of how devoting your life to a voacation in the world today, is a holy, fun, and wonderful way to live your life. So, thank you for being "real"! :) Many Blessings.
I love it!!! Thank you!
From a tickled pink parent, parishioner and happy volunteer at St. Roman the cartoon and by the way
Sr. Katy : YOU ROCK!!!!
Love ya',
Cheryl Spychalla
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