Last weekend, Sr. Jan's brother, John came to visit from California! I was particularly excited because I do believe he is
Religious Life Rocks #1 fan! He reads regularly, calls Sr. Jan when I have posted in a while to see "what's up", gives me positive feedback, AND thinks that my blog should be a formation requirement for anyone entering religious life (cool...that makes me proud; I love formation! I really do! :) )! honor that I indeed have a #1 Fan...I have created the #1 fan award! The 2008 winner goes to JOHN RICE (wooo hoooo...the blogosphere crowd goes wild). To the left is John beaming at the realization that he's won this prestigious award.
We didn't make him give an "Oscaresque Speech"; that'll be for the 2009 recipient! (We work up to such things...)
And here are some pictures of his awards ceremony:
Hey Sister Katy,
I came across your blog a few months ago and it has become one of my favorites. The video is a nice touch. Who knows, maybe someday "The Adventures of 'One Fun Nun'" will be coming soon to a theater near me.
Peace, Robin
Every two months or so i read all that you have posted since my last read. I love it! This is what religous life is all about! We have our struggles yes, but we also have a great time.
We met at the last Giving Voice gathering in Boston, hoping to see you next year?
This is a great saying that i just discovered a few days ago by John Maxwell, and i think is one yoy live by "Life is not a Dress Rehersal".
Blessings, Mumbi
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