Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Article Link

One more thing....

I wrote an article for our community newsletter (US) that may be of interest to my readers...

It was about a gathering of women religious under 40 that I attended in January. We have the big national conference coming up in 2 weeks in Boston. I'm sooooo excited.

Click here to go to the online version....

Peace out!


Tweetrb said...

Hey there~ What is this conference you speak of?....as i think ive mentioned to you before, im writing my thesis on "young nuns" is this something that happens every year? and if so do you think sisters would be willing to be interviewed in assistance of my thesis?
Congrats on graudating btw:)
~Lisa Bondi

Katy said...

Hi Lisa--

This conference is sponsored by Giving Voice...actually we are gathering for the National conference in 2 weeks in Boston. I'm sure a bunch of us would be more than willing to be interviewed. If you send me a "comment" with your e-mail (I won't publish it on my blog..it will just come to me) we can correspond via e-mail. Peace, Katy