Sunday, June 29, 2008 worked!

Ok...I think I figured out the problem. I didn't covert the file to a .wmv file which was incompatible with my bloggy blog. I guess that's the risk of working at 2 something in the morning. But after an investigation and some further playing around...I now present you with the video. More blogging to come... Enjoy!


Anonymous said...


Srsly, lol.

I haven't even watched the images, just the Star Wars opening, and it's made of awesome! Off to watch the rest!

-Sarah :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I find it fascinating...the pattern of photos of your shadow...what could that signify?...what does Shadow Katy have to say to you, to us?...


Looks like a wicked cool retreat, dude. The perfect kind for you, and I'm glad you had fun with it!

-Sarah again (hoping you don't deck her for that first paragraph)

Katy said...

Don't be fooled by this "fun"...this was about the only "fun" that my retreat had. Not to be confused with "bad" (which I learned that "fun" and "good" are not necessarily synonomous...LOL 7). It was all trickery...Darth Dawn.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you just did art therapy. How does it FEEL?


-Jen Hall

Anonymous said...

You're my favorite 7.

Well done, padawan learner.

-Obi Wan Sarah

Katy said...

How does it feel? What it would you like?

Weather? Ok

Well it felt warm because I was outside and IT IS SUMMER.

Camera? Ok
That felt cold and plastic like.

That's how it felt. Silly Jen!

Katy said...

I have more Star Wars and Monty Python references in this blog than anything...Of course I'm the best 7 ever. Who spiritualizes (and makes up cool words like that one) with Star Wars and Monty Python? C'mon!

Kelly_SSJ said...

I love the video. Thank you for sharing your images with us. They have much to speak to me on my own journey. Something tells me I will be watching the video often!

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Love it ... from one jedi nun to another.

May the force be with you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this turned out great and "Stranger" great choice. When will you take your next retreat :o)? Vic

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

You are so cool! Your blog makes me want to become a nun. (Well, that is if I was Catholic and more obedient...) ;o) It's the high point of my weekly internet surf.

Peace and Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy your blog! I found you after reading about your cooking skills in the food section of the Journal. Your blog helps me to focus on what is really important to me. I can't wait to hear about your new job. I'm a wife and mother to 2 teenage boys....40ish....not Catholic. Please keep up your blog ministry! It's wonderful! JC

Anonymous said...

Nice video! Thanks for taking all that extra time to share it with us!

Reminds me of how I'm trying to work on seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary... :)

Sister Mary Martha said...

Delightful. I was just talking about this sort of thing...not the video, the "don't think"...on my blog.

May I use your video sometime?


Um, ok, if I thought I could really be a jedi nun I would sign up tomorrow!! I laughed so hard at the star wars part and loved the video!! Thanks a ton for sharing!

Anonymous said...

hey soul sista
so i just watched this special on you on the news and i was just wondering did u stop your wedding to become a nun or realize you wanted to be a nun after something went wrong with the wedding?
god is love, crazy Q

Anonymous said...

:) I love your take on religion and would love to talk with you about keeping up faith, because I dwell too much on negatives. Please, please email me!

:) thanks!

Anonymous said...

WOW Katy!!! You inspired me to go out and be creative by those shots!! You are awesome at the photography thing! Very creative. Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

yay! this was neat.
i live in shorewood, and had to take a second to imagine anyone having a retreat here, haha.
the pictures were wonderful!


Sarah SSM said...

Who spiritualizes with Star Wars and Monty Python? Well, I do, too, and I loved this video. Thank you for making it and sharing it with the rest of us.

marine's words said...

my son thought star war was going to come out and he sat hear listen to the whole song of star wars and then no Jedi :( "mon what is these' I said a pretty song for mommy
well I enjoyed the song it was really pretty :),marina