Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

I actually am one of those people who love this day.  I love the ritual and symbolism, the coming together as a faith community, the reminder of humility...I think it is such a powerful ritual in our faith tradition.

I decided on a few Lenten practices for myself with the hope of some inner transformation.  I would like to get back into my more reflective stance.  I would like to be more regular in my prayer life.  I decided to limit myself to an hour of computer time each day (not including work necessity) and with the "leftover time", get back into a prayer and journaling routine.  I also committed to doing at least one experience of art journaling each week.  God willing, it will be more.  I see this time as time for me to slow down and go inward, again.  A practice of quieting my spirit, in the most positive sense.  A quieting to be able to listen for what messages are trying to emerge.  All part of my "Inner excavation" journey, I guess. 

Luckily, I had my camera with me today!  (I told you I was going to carry it around with me.)  I would have loved to take a few shots of the kids at some points during the liturgy, but I was the cantor and serving in that way.  So I snuck into church during my prep period and captured a few things which spoke to me of this special day and beginning this Lenten journey. 

May you all be at peace and walk gently these next days of Lent. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you well on your Lenten journey and look forward to its fruit. Will pray for your peace.

Joe in BFE